

Get in touch

For further advice please contact us for a consultation.

+44 (0)3330 143 401 [email protected]

gunnercooke’s Franchise Team has extensive experience and knowledge in the initial structuring, organization and operation of franchised businesses.


gunnercooke’s Franchise experts are skilled in all aspects of franchise law, licensing law and securities law and are committed to providing focused, integrated and responsive legal counsel concerning the full range of franchise issues. Our attorneys work closely with clients to learn their individual businesses and have represented franchisors and franchisees from the inception of the franchise or franchise relationship through its continuing operations.

Our advice encompasses:

  • Structure and document franchise and distribution programs
  • Preparing disclosure documents and state registration of franchise offers and sales including registration and amendments
  • Providing advice on compliance with disclosure regulations and franchisee solicitation, including advice on the FTC’s amended franchise rules effective July 1, 2007
  • Recommending ways of structuring distribution relationships to avoid regulation under state and federal franchise and business opportunity laws
  • Negotiating and prepare master franchise, sub-franchise, and area development agreements
  • Addressing the complex antitrust issues that may affect the structure of a franchise or distribution network
  • Providing information on compliance with local, state, federal and international taxation issues concerning franchise and distribution arrangements
  • Addressing issues or concerns regarding various intellectual property matters
  • Assisting with the conversion of company-owned or licensed systems to franchised distribution

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