Data Privacy

Data Privacy

Get in touch

For further advice please contact us for a consultation.

+44 (0)3330 143 401

Steering our clients through the dynamic and rapidly evolving legal landscape around data protection and privacy.


Our multinational team with colleagues in the UK and Germany, advises on data privacy from local and global perspectives.

Our teams’ varied experience as general counsel in multinational financial services organizations, within compliance firms, advisors to governments and via private practice offers an in-depth understanding of the challenges our clients face, from which we provide pragmatic, focused advice and concrete solutions.

We advise clients of all shapes and sizes, across a range of industries including pharmaceutical, medical, defence, financial services, retail, infrastructure, crypto-currency, blockchain, DAOs, and supply-chain.  We have extensive knowledge of the privacy challenges faced by blockchain based technologies, and the privacy enhancing solutions available to mitigate or anonymise those challenges.

Our advice encompasses:

  • US State Consumer Privacy Laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR and GDPR (UK)) for US entities
  • Privacy Compliance (risk assessments, privacy impact assessments (DPIAs), records of processing activities (ROPAs), mapping, breach preparation, response, and mitigation)
  • Ad Tech and behavioral profiling
  • Children’s privacy, including the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA.)
  • Medical and Pharmaceutical Privacy, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and biometric privacy laws
  • International Data Transfers, including the Data Privacy Framework
  • Outsourcing and Vendor Management
  • Privacy Counselling and Advisory
  • Privacy and Corporate Governance
  • Privacy in Contracts and Transactions
  • Privacy Enhancing Technology (Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP), Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC), Hashing, Encryption)
  • Privacy in Blockchain, including digital identities.
  • Artificial Intelligence

Key Contacts

Noreen R. Weiss

Chair-US, Managing Partner, New York
